Crib Mattresses, Bassinet Mattresses, and Baby Cradle Mattresses -
we elves have it all!
Remember those days of nonstop crying babies? How about those toddlers that never ever want to go to bed?
With so many complaints of harried mothers reaching our elfin headquarters, we came to the conclusion that there must be a better way. That’s when we realized that we ought to be The Mattress Tailors!
Our little tailors work day and night to sew baby mattresses just right!
Our master tailors believe that hidden beneath that beautiful bedding and nestled at the bottom of that splendid crib, needs to be a mattress that provides baby with the best in comfort and support. Imagine… comfortable bodies of thick, plush, densely layered foam and wondrous supportive, tightly coiled springs… welcome to our world of elfin mattresses.
From deep within the hush-hush land of the elves, we’ve got you covered. With mattresses for bassinets, cradles, baby crib and beds, we have mattresses in all shapes and sizes. Our elves make custom mattresses too! No doubt, the mattress tailors will be your last stop for the bedroom.